Stockton Record profiles new advisor

Aug 27, 2007

The Stockton Record published a story in today's paper about newly hired UCCE San Joaquin County environmental horticulture advisor Ashley Basinger. Bashinger came to UCCE in July under an unusual agreement with the County of San Joaquin, according to the article by Reid Fujii.

San Joaquin County is underwriting Basinger's salary to have her help reduce green waste being buried in area landfills, Fujii's article said.

"It's the first time partnership (sic) where a county is supporting a university position to come up with some solutions to their problems or issues," the article quoted county director Mick Canevari.

Basinger has a doctorate degree at Texas Tech University. In her new position, she will work with county officials to develop a large-scale composting operation and find markets for the resulting compost, perhaps diverting it to area farms or vineyards.

Basinger will also address issues of pesticide usage and water consumption in residential and commercial landscaping.

"I'm looking for her to have a major impact on our environmental issues," Canevari is quoted in the Record.

Contact information for Basinger can be found here.

By Jeannette E. Warnert
Author - Communications Specialist

Attached Images:

Ashley Basinger