Cost Studies (search on tomatoes)
Pest Management:
IPM for Tomatoes (1998) $30 (on-line preview available)
Pest Management Guidelines – Tomatoes
Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus – a new virus disease which poses serious threat to CA tomatoes
Tomato Spotted Wilt Disease (brochure)
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus - Information and Research Reports
Year Round IPM Plan – Tomatoes
Processing Tomato Research Reports: Contra Costa & San Joaquin Counties:
UC Publications & Leaflets
Conservation Tillage Tomato Production (2009) FREE
Drip Irrigation of Processing Tomatoes (2008) $25 (on-line preview available)
Drip Irrigation and Fertigation Management of Processing Tomatoes (2008) FREE
Fresh Market Tomato Production (2000) FREE
Fresh Market Tomatoes – Food Safety Guidelines (2004) FREE
IPM for Tomatoes (1998) $30 (on-line preview available):
Processing Tomato Production in CA (2008) FREE
Using Small Grains in Crop Rotations (2006) FREE
Worm Sampling Methods for Processing Tomatoes DVD (1992) $20
Tomato Day Presentations – N. San Joaquin Valley