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Staff Directory

Commercial Agriculture

Photo of Kamyar Aram
Kamyar Aram
Title: Specialty Crops Advisor
Cooperative Extension
2380 Bisso Lane, Suite B
Concord, CA 94520
Phone: (925) 608-6692
Email: kamaram@ucanr.edu
Photo of Janet Caprile
Janet Caprile
Title: Farm Advisor
Specialty: Commercial fruit, nut, vine, vegetable, field, specialty crops
Cooperative Extension
2380 Bisso Lane, Suite B
Concord, CA 94520
Email: jlcaprile@ucdavis.edu

Delta Crops

Photo of Michelle M Leinfelder-Miles Ph.D.
Michelle M Leinfelder-Miles Ph.D.
Title: County Director and Farm Advisor
Specialty: Crop Production, Soil and Water Resources, the Delta
Cooperative Extension San Joaquin County
2101 East Earhart Avenue, Suite 200
Stockton, CA 95206
Phone: 209-953-6100
Email: mmleinfeldermiles@ucanr.edu

4-H Staff

Brenda C Vales
Title: Community Education Specialist II
Specialty: 4-H Youth Development Program
Phone: 925-608-6690
Email: bcvales@ucanr.edu
Mrs Susan J Weaver
Title: 4-H Youth Development Program Regional Coordinator, Region 7
Specialty: Youth Leadership Development, Teens as Teachers, In-school programs, Youth camps, Mentor development, Professional Development for educators.
Email: sjweaver@ucanr.edu

Food and Money

Photo of Eli Israel Figueroa
Eli Israel Figueroa
Title: CalFresh Healthy Living Program Supervisor
Specialty: Nutrition & Physical Activity Education, Youth Engagement, Youth-led Participatory Action Research (YPAR)
2380 Bisso Lane
Suite B
Concord, CA 94520
Phone: (925) 608-6678
Email: eifigueroa@ucanr.edu
Photo of Santos Lopez
Santos Lopez
Title: Community Nutrition Educator
Specialty: EFNEP Adult
UC Cooperative Extension, Contra Costa County
2380 Bisso Lane
Suite B
Concord, CA 94520
Phone: (925) 608-6680
Email: sanlopez@ucanr.edu
Photo of Carla M Moore
Carla M Moore
Title: Expanded Food and Nutrition Education (EFNEP) and CalFresh Healthy Living Administrative Assistant
Specialty: Alameda and Contra Costa County EFNEP; Contra Costa CFHL
UCCE Contra Costa
2380 Bisso Lane
Suite B
Concord, CA 94520
Phone: (925) 608-6675
Fax: (925) 608-6697
Email: carmoore@ucanr.edu
Photo of Marisa Neelon
Marisa Neelon
Title: Community Nutrition and Health Advisor, Emeritus
Specialty: Food security and the prevention of childhood obesity and chronic disease in populations with low-income.
UC Cooperative Extension, Contra Costa County
2380 Bisso Lane
Suite B
Concord, CA 94520
Email: mqneelon@ucanr.edu
Photo of Leah J Sourbeer
Leah J Sourbeer
Title: EFNEP Nutrition Program Supervisor
Specialty: EFNEP
UCCE Contra Costa County
2380 Bisso Lane
Suite B
Concord, CA 94520
Phone: (925) 608-6676
Email: ljelmazati@ucanr.edu

Home Gardening and Master Gardeners

Photo of Dawn A Kooyumjian
Dawn A Kooyumjian
Title: Coordinator -UC Master Gardener Program of Contra Costa County
Cooperative Extension
2380 Bisso Lane Suite B
Concord, CA 94520
Phone: 925-608-6682
Fax: (925) 608-6697
Email: dakooyumjian@ucanr.edu

Natural Resources

Photo of Sheila J Barry
Sheila J Barry
Title: County Director/ Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor, San Francisco Bay Area
Specialty: Rangeland Ecology and Management, Beef Cattle Production, Rangeland Conservation, Grazing Management,
UCCE Santa Clara County
1553 Berger Drive, Bldg 1
2nd Floor
San Jose, CA 95112
Phone: 408-282-3106
Email: sbarry@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Igor Lacan
Dr Igor Lacan
Title: Interim County Director; Bay Area Environmental Horticulture and Urban Forestry Advisor
Specialty: Urban Forestry
Cooperative Extension San Mateo-San Francisco Counties
1500 Purisima Creek Road
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
Phone: 650-276-7428
Email: ilacan@ucanr.edu

Urban Pests

Photo of Andrew M Sutherland PhD, BCE
Andrew M Sutherland PhD, BCE
Title: Urban IPM Advisor
Specialty: urban (household & structural) IPM of insects and other arthropods
University of California Cooperative Extension – Alameda County
224 West Winton Avenue
Rm 134
Hayward, CA 94544
Phone: 510-499-2930
Email: amsutherland@ucanr.edu