9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648

Also in:
Biological & Agricultural Engineering
- Google Scholar Citations
- Patent - Method and Device to Detect Clogged Nozzles
- Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory
Dr. Peter Ako Larbi is an Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist in Agricultural Application Engineering with the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR; 2018-present) and an affiliated faculty member of the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at UC-Davis (2019-present). He is the principal investigator and director of the Agricultural Application Engineering Program headquartered at the Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center. He provides regional leadership in agricultural engineering extension and applied research with a focus on spray application engineering. Dr. Larbi’s research focuses on developing, evaluating, and deploying spray application technologies, techniques, and decision support systems, aimed at improving agricultural productivity while reducing the impact of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals on the environment. His extension efforts seek to promote best practices for safe, economical, and environmentally sound pesticide spray application. His other research interests include precision agriculture, machinery systems, remote sensing, and sensor technology. He has to his credit several publications and presentations, and a U.S. patent.
Prior to joining UC, Dr. Larbi was an Assistant Professor of Agricultural Systems Technology at Arkansas State University with a joint appointment in the Division of Agriculture at University of Arkansas (2014-2018). He also held postdoctoral researcher positions at the Washington State University Center for Precision and Automated Agricultural Systems (2012-2014) and the University of Florida Citrus Research and Education Center (2011-2012). Dr. Larbi earned his Ph.D. in agricultural and biological engineering from the University of Florida, and a M.Sc. and a B.Sc. in agricultural engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi, Ghana.
- IPM Achievement Award
Presented by California Department Pesticide Regulation, 2020
- Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award
Presented by Graduate Student Council, Arkansas State University, 2018
- Professor of the Month for February 2017
Presented by Arkansas State University, 2017
- Young Engineer of the Year Award
Presented by American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Arkansas Section, 2017
- Mondialogo Engineering Award
Presented by United Nations Education Science and Cultural Organization, in partnership with DaimlerChrysler, 2005
- Special Jury Recognition Award
Presented by United Nations Education Science and Cultural Organization, in partnership with DaimlerChrysler, 2005
Biological and Agricultural EngineeringSpecialty
Agricultural Application Engineering/Spray Application EngineeringAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Fruit and Nut Crop - General
- Tree Fruits - General
- Nut Crops - General
- Citrus - General
- Cherries
- Air
- Plant Protection
- Engineering Systems and Equipment
- Instrumentation and Control Systems
- Geographic Information Systems
Peer Reviewed
- Larbi, P. A.; Culumber, M; Thistle, H. W.; Willett, M. J. (In Press). Downwind Drift from Almond Airblast Spray Applications. Pest Management Science. (In Review).
- Larbi, P. A. (2024). Chapter 14: Spray Application Principles and Techniques for Olives. In: Olive Oil Production Manual. UC ANR Publication.S. Wang and L. Ferguson. University of California.
- Abioye, A. E.; Larbi, P. A.; Hadwan, A. A. K. (2024). Deep learning guided variable rate robotic sprayer prototype. Smart Agricultural Technology. 9, 100540. 2024-12-01.
- Larbi, P. A. (2024). On-Target Deposition from Two Engine-Powered Sprayers in Medium-Foliage-Density Citrus Canopies. Agronomy. 14:9, 1883. 2024-05-29. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/14/9/1883
- Larbi, Peter A. (2022). Configuration and Assessment of a Submersible Fluorometer for Evaluating Fluorescent Dye Deposition. Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 50:3.
- Vong, C. N.; Larbi, P. A. (2021). Development and prototype testing of an agricultural nozzle clog detection device. Transactions of the ASABE. 64:1, 49-61.
- Pourreza, Alireza; Moghimi, Ali; Niederholzer, Franz J.A.; Larbi, Peter A.; Zuniga-Ramirez, German; Cheung, Kyle H.; Khorsandi, Farzaneh (2020). Spray Backstop: A Method to Reduce Orchard Spray Drift Without Limiting the Spray and Air Delivery. Sustainability 2020. 12:8862.
- Larbi, P. A.; Larbi, D. A. (2018). Adopting Microsoft Excel for Biomedical Signal and Image Processing. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedical Signal and Image Processing.L. Wang. Book Chapter. https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/adopting-microsoft-excel-for-biomedical-signal-and-image-processing
- Larbi, P. A. (2018). Advancing Microsoft Excel's potential for teaching digital image processing and analysis. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 34:2, 263-276.
- Larbi, P. A.; Green, S. (2018). Time series analysis of soybean response to varying atmospheric conditions for precision agriculture. Precision Agriculture. 2018, pp 1-14.
- Zhou, J.; He, L.; Whiting, M.; Amatya, S.; Larbi, P. A.; Karkee, M.; Zhang, Q. (2016). Field evaluation of a mechanical-assist cherry harvesting system. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food. 9:4, 324–331.
- Larbi, P. A. (2016). RGBExcel: An RGB image data extractor and exporter for excel processing. Signal and Image Processing: An International Journal. 7:1, 1-9.
Larbi, P. A.; Vong, C. N., Karkee, M. (2015). A study of operator performance for a mechanical sweet cherry harvester: Comparison between manual and remote-controlled operation. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 21:3, 145-157.
- Larbi, P. A. (2015). Modification and field evaluation of an experimental sweet cherry harvester. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 31:3, 387-397.
- Larbi, P. A.; Karkee, M. (2014). Effects of orchard characteristics and operator performance on harvesting rate of a mechanical sweet cherry harvester. GSTF Journal on Agricultural Engineering. 1:1, 11.
- Larbi, P. A.; Salyani, M. (2013). Discretization for a spray deposition model: Criteria for temporal and spatial differencing. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 97, 35-39.
- Larbi, P. A.; Ehsani, R.; Salyani, M.; Maja, J. M.; Mishra, A. R.; Camargo Neto, J. (2013). Multispectral based leaf detection system for spot sprayer application to control citrus psyllids. Biosystems Engineering. 116:4, 509-517.
- Khot, L. R.; Ehsani, R.; Albrigo, G.; Larbi, P. A.; Landers, A.; Campoy, J.; Wellington, C. (2012). Air-assisted sprayer adapted for precision horticulture: Spray patterns and deposition assessments in small-sized citrus canopies. Biosystems Engineering. 113:1, 76-85.
- Larbi, P. A.; Salyani, M. (2012). CitrusSprayEx: An expert system for planning citrus spray applications. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 87, 85-93.
- Larbi, P. A.; Salyani, M. (2012). Model to predict spray deposition in citrus airblast sprayer applications - Part 1: Spray Dispersion. Transactions of the ASABE. 55:1, 29-39.
- Larbi, P. A.; Salyani, M. (2012). Model to predict spray deposition in citrus airblast sprayer applications - Part 2: Spray deposition. Transactions of the ASABE. 55:1, 41-48.
- Khot, L. R.; Ehsani, R.; Landers, J.; Albgrigo, G.; Larbi, P. A. (2012). Spray pattern investigation of an axial-fan airblast precision sprayer using a modified vertical patternator. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 28:5, 647-654.
- Khot, L. R.; Salyani, M.; Farooq, M.; Walker, T. W.; Sweeb, R. D.; Smith, V.; Pomolis, R.; Stoops, C.A.; Larbi, P. A. (2011). Assessment of aerosol deposition and movement in open field conditions. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal. 13:3.
Non-Peer Reviewed
- Larbi, P. A. (2024). Airblast Sprayer Calibration Tutorial. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. September 4, 2024. https://youtu.be/c48h75tb-CY
- Larbi, P.A.; Shimotsu, G.; Becerra, C. (2024). Fourth Quarter Project Deliverable Report on: 4.2 Fabrication of the automatic nozzle selector per node configurations & 5.2: Fabrication of the novel automatic multi-nozzle head configurations. A report submitted to the Department of Pesticide Regulation. 5 pp. September 30, 2024.
- Larbi, P. A. (2024). Fourth Quarterly Progress Report on “Development of an Automatic Nozzle Selector for In-creased Productivity and Reduced Operator Exposure to Pesticides”. A report submitted to the Department of Pesticide Regulation. 14 pp. September 30, 2024.
- Larbi, P. A. (2024). From Flight to Rest – The journey of a droplet, Ver. 2. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. January 25, 2024. https://youtu.be/3trmj_pgnA0
- Larbi, P.A.; Shimotsu, G.; Becerra, C. (2024). Second Quarter Project Deliverable Report on: Task 4.1: Design and simulation of flow for each nozzle in Solid-Works & Task 5.1: Design and simulation of novel automatic multi-nozzle head selection sys-tem in SolidWorks. A report submitted to the Department of Pesticide Regulation. 14 pp. March 28, 2024.
- Larbi, P. A. (2024). Second Quarterly Progress Report on “Development of an Automatic Nozzle Selector for In-creased Productivity and Reduced Operator Exposure to Pesticides”. A report submitted to the Department of Pesticide Regulation. 13 pp. March 28, 2024.
- Larbi, P.A.; Shimotsu, G.; Becerra, C. (2024). Third Quarter Project Deliverable Report on: 2.2 Fabrication of the central distribution automat-ic nozzle [selector] assembly configuration & 3.2 Fabrication of the automatic nozzle [selector] assembly per nozzle position configuration. A report submitted to the Department of Pesticide Regulation. 5 pp. June 28, 2024.
- Larbi, P. A. (2024). Third Quarterly/First Annual Progress Report on “Development of an Automatic Nozzle Selector for Increased Productivity and Reduced Operator Exposure to Pesticides”. A report submitted to the Department of Pesticide Regulation. 12 pp. June 28, 2024.
- Larbi, P. A.; Abioye, A.E. (2023). Assumptions and considerations for a novel mechanistic airblast spray drift model for orchards and vineyards. ASABE Paper No. 202300224. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE.
- Larbi, P.A.; A.E., Abioye (2023). Final Project Report on “Development and Validation of a Mechanistic Orchard and Vineyard Airblast Spray Drift Model – Phase 1”. A report submitted to the Coalition for Urban/Rural Environmental Stewardship. 30 pp. May 23, 2023.
- Larbi, P. A. (2023). Final Project Report on “Dissemination and Training for Citrus Spray Application Expert System Adoption in California”. A report submitted to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
- Larbi, P.A.; Shimotsu, G.; Becerra, C. (2023). First Quarter Project Deliverable Report on: Task 2.1: Design and simulation of flow from central distribution in SolidWorks & Task 3.1: Design and simulation of flow for each side in SolidWorks. A report submitted to the Department of Pesticide Regulation. 13 pp. December 28, 2023.
- Larbi, P. A. (2023). First Quarterly Progress Report on “Development of an Automatic Nozzle Selector for Increased Productivity and Reduced Operator Exposure to Pesticides”. A report submitted to the Department of Pesticide Regulation. 8 pp. December 28, 2023.
- Larbi, P. A. (2023). Good Air or Bad Air? A Consideration for Airblast Spray Application in Trees and Vines. Topics in Subtropics. UCCE Statewide. 24, 8-10. November 16, 2023. https://ceventura.ucanr.edu/newsletters/Topics_in_Subtropics99392.pdf
- Larbi, P. A. (2023). Spray Drift Study in Citrus to Support Airblast Drift Modeling Effort. A CRB-funded Final Research Report. Citrograph Magazine. November 2023. https://drive.google.com/file/d/18-9-PUFe7bmE5detFO3FhL-BVrpoV-sy/view?usp=drive_link
- Larbi, P. A. (2023). Too Much Blasted Air? A Comparison of Spray Deposition from Two Different Airblast Sprayers in Citrus. California Fresh Fruit Magazine. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. 8-10. November 16, 2023.
- Larbi, P. A.; Niederholzer, F. (2023). UC ANR Collaboration with Almond Industry Increases Environmental Sustainability of Agriculture through Professional Development Training for Crop Protection Workforce in Northern and Central California. UC Delivers Blog. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. August 31, 2023. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=57761
- Larbi, P. A. (2023). UC ANR Collaboration with Almond Industry Increases Environmental Sustainability of Agriculture through Professional Development Training for Crop Protection Workforce in Northern and Central California. UC Delivers Blog. August 31, 2023. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=57761
- Larbi, P. A. (2023). UC ANR Program Developing a Qualified Crop Protection Workforce for California through Sprayer Calibration Education. UC Delivers Blog. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. August 11, 2023. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=57616
- Larbi, P. A. (2023). UC ANR program promotes citrus production efficiency and profitability through increased awareness of spray application best practices. UC Delivers Blog. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. June 7, 2023. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=56227
- Holder, B; Larbi, P.A.; Atim, J.; Cabrera, D. (2023). UC REC Collaboration Increases Student Awareness of Agricultural STEM Research and Practice Opportunities. UC Delivers Blog. December 11, 2023. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=58339
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). 2021-2022 Annual Report on "Spray Drift Study in Citrus to Support Orchard and Vineyard Airblast Drift Modeling Effort". A project report submitted to the Citrus Research Board.
- Larbi, P. A.; Culumber, M.; Zhuang, G.; Douhan, G. W.; Thistle, H. W.; Willett, M. (2022). Comparison of Airblast Spray Drift in Citrus, Almond, and Grape Applications. In: Proceedings of the 2022 California Citrus Conference:22.
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). Dissemination and Training for Citrus Spray Application Expert System Adoption in California: Efforts and Outcomes. Pest Management Advisory Council Meeting Presentation. California Department of Pesticide Regulation. 47 pp. August 11, 2022. https://transfer.cdpr.ca.gov/pub/outgoing/August%2011%20PMAC%20Presentations/Peter%20Larbi%20-%20DPR%20presentation%204.pdf
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). Effective Spray Application – From uncertainty to confidence. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. July 1, 2022. https://youtu.be/U-dEXA8G5CE
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). Eighth Quarterly Progress Report on “Dissemination and Training for Citrus Spray Application Expert System Adoption in California”. A report submitted to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). Eleventh Quarterly Progress Report on “Dissemination and Training for Citrus Spray Application Expert System Adoption in California”. A report submitted to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
- Larbi, P. A.; Culumber, M.; Zhuang, G.; Douhan, G. W.; Thistle, H. W.; Willett, M. (2022). Evaluation of downwind spray drift from airblast spray applications in almond, citrus, and grape. 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A.; Culumber, M.; Zhuang, G.; Douhan, G. W.; Thistle, H. W.; Willett, M. (2022). Evaluation of downwind spray drift from airblast spray applications in almond, citrus, and grape. ASABE Paper No. 2200871. St. Joseph, MI, ASABE.
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). Final Research Report on “Integrating Almond Data into ongoing Development of Airblast Spray Deposition and Drift”. A project report submitted to the Almond Board of California.
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). Final Research Report on “Spray Drift Study in Orchard/Vineyard to Support Orchard Airblast Drift Modeling Effort”. A project report submitted to the Almond Board of California.
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). From Flight to Rest – The journey of a droplet. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. June 1, 2022. https://youtu.be/ylOjgW8D00E
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). July Progress Report FY 2021-2022 on "Spray Drift Study in Citrus to Support Orchard and Vineyard Airblast Drift Modeling Effort". A project report submitted to the Citrus Research Board.
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). March Progress Report FY 2021-2022 on "Spray Drift Study in Citrus to Support Orchard and Vineyard Airblast Drift Modeling Effort". A project report submitted to the Citrus Research Board.
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). Ninth Quarterly Progress Report on “Dissemination and Training for Citrus Spray Application Expert System Adoption in California”. A report submitted to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). Optimizing On-target Canopy Deposition in Citrus: Considerations for minimizing spray drift potential (Scientific Presentation Abstract). In: Proceedings of the 2022 California Citrus Conference:9.
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). Project Completion Report on “Spray Drift Study in Citrus to Support Orchard and Vineyard Airblast Drift Modeling Effort”. A project report submitted to the Citrus Research Board.
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). Spray Application Challenges in The Field – Unraveling a complex system. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. July 1, 2022. https://youtu.be/rzdF3odWWVA
- Larbi, P. A. (2022). Third Annual Report on “Dissemination and Training for Citrus Spray Application Expert System Adoption in California”. A report submitted to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). 2019-2020 Annual Research Report on “Integrating Almond Data into ongoing Development of Airblast Spray Deposition and Drift”. A project report submitted to the Almond Board of California.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). 2019-2020 Annual Research Report on “Spray Drift Study in Orchard/Vineyard to Support Orchard Airblast Drift Modeling Effort”. A project report submitted to the Almond Board of California.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). 2020-2021 Annual Report on "Spray Drift Study in Citrus to Support Orchard and Vineyard Airblast Drift Modeling Effort". A project report submitted to the Citrus Research Board.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). 2020-2021 Annual Report on "Spray Drift Study in Grapes to Support Orchard and Vineyard Airblast Drift Modeling Effort". A report submitted to the California Table Grape Commission and Washington State Wine Commission.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). Airblast Spraying in Citrus 2021. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. November 19, 2021. https://youtu.be/KIbNyUXh2jg
- Vong, C. N.; Larbi, P. A. (2021). Development and Prototype Testing of an Agricultural Nozzle Clog Detection Device. Transactions of the ASABE, 64(1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A.; Basulto, C.; Douhan, G. W.; Thistle, H. W.; Willett, M. (2021). Drift measurement from citrus airblast spray application for Estimating Pesticide Exposure values (Scientific Poster Abstract). In: Proceedings of the 2021 California Citrus Conference:29.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). Fifth Quarterly Progress Report on “Dissemination and Training for Citrus Spray Application Expert System Adoption in California”. A report submitted to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). Final Report on "Spray Drift Study in Grapes to Support Orchard and Vineyard Airblast Drift Modeling Effort". A report submitted to the California Table Grape Commission, Washington State Wine Commission, and E. & J. Winery.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). Fourth Quarterly Progress Report on “Dissemination and Training for Citrus Spray Application Expert System Adoption in California”. A report submitted to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). July Progress Report FY 2020-2021 on "Spray Drift Study in Citrus to Support Orchard and Vineyard Airblast Drift Modeling Effort". A report submitted to the Citrus Research Board.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). March Progress Report FY 2020-2021 on "Spray Drift Study in Citrus to Support Orchard and Vineyard Airblast Drift Modeling Effort". A project report submitted to the Citrus Research Board.
- Basulto, C.; Larbi, P. A. (2021). Meteorological instrumentation in support of citrus spray drift data collection (Scientific Poster Abstract). In: Proceedings of the 2021 California Citrus Conference:29.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). Minimizing Herbicide Drift with Surfactants. In: Proceedings of the 73rd Annual Conference of The California Weed Science Society:17.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). Prospects of Autonomous Spraying. In: Book of Abstracts of California Plant and Soil Conference.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). Second Annual Report on “Dissemination and Training for Citrus Spray Application Expert System Adoption in California”. A report submitted to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
- Larbi, P. A. (2021). Seventh Quarterly Progress Report on “Dissemination and Training for Citrus Spray Application Expert System Adoption in California”. A report submitted to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). 2019 Research Update on “Integrating Almond Data into ongoing Development of Airblast Spray Deposition and Drift”. A project report submitted to the Almond Board of California.
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). 2019 Research Update on “Spray Drift Study in Orchard/Vineyard to Support Orchard Airblast Drift Modeling Effort”. A project report submitted to the Almond Board of California.
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). An Indirect Method for Estimating Leaf Area Density Using Dimensional Similarity. ASABE Paper No. 2001195. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). Citrus Industry Stakeholder Engagement Meeting. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. August 6, 2020. https://youtu.be/FOSGIG_YIdQ?si=6VLJk-tUqAS4PmNn
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). CitrusSprayEx Application Workshop Day 1 - 04/23/2020. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. August 6, 2020. https://youtu.be/sARjfpsKhqc
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). CitrusSprayEx Application Workshop Day 2 - 04/24/2020. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. August 6, 2020. https://youtu.be/qvLjMhEaHdE
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). CitrusSprayEx ES Spray Evaluation 2 - Changing ground speed Tutorial. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. September 8, 2020. https://youtu.be/wjttMtY2xLY
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). CitrusSprayEx ES Spray Evaluation Simulation with Initial Inputs Tutorial. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. September 8, 2020. https://youtu.be/O9UrGmakYMA
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). Eye on the Target: Sprayer Calibration and Coverage. American Vineyard Magazine. June.
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). First Annual Report on “Dissemination and Training for Citrus Spray Application Expert System Adoption in California”. A report submitted to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
- Larbi, P.A. (2020). First Quarterly Progress Report on “Dissemination and Training for Citrus Spray Application Expert System Adoption in California”. A project report submitted to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). Getting started with CitrusSprayEx Tutorial. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. August 6, 2020. https://youtu.be/JUi684apDr0
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). How to Sort Samples from Spray Drift Experiment - Internal Training Video. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. November 26, 2020. https://youtu.be/6-NJO0HhvWY
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). Installing CitrusSprayEx Tutorial. Agricultural Application Engineering Laboratory YouTube Channel. August 6, 2020. https://youtu.be/9gEVdMflz5w
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). Spray Calibration and Coverage: The Basics of Spray Application. Progressive Crop Consultant Magazine. April 14. https://progressivecrop.com/2020/04/14/spray-calibration-and-coverage-the-basics-of-spray-application/
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). Spray Calibration and Coverage: The Basics of Spray Application. Progressive Crop Consultant Magazine. April 14, 2020.
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). Targeting the Target: How to Increase Effectiveness of Spray Application in Grapes. In: Viticulture Research Presentation Summaries. California Table Grape Seminar. California Table Grape Commission.
- Larbi, P. A. (2020). Third Quarterly Progress Report on “Dissemination and Training for Citrus Spray Application Expert System Adoption in California”. A report submitted to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
- Larbi, P. A.; Niederholzer, F. (2019). Analysis of Advanced Airblast Sprayer Systems for Tree Crop Production. ASABE Paper No. 1900985. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE
- Larbi, P. A. (2019). UC lab increases student awareness of ag spray application engineering. UC Delivers Blog. May 28. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=31396
- Larbi, P. A. (2018). Advancing Microsoft Excel's Potential for Teaching Digital Image Processing and Analysis. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 34(2). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A. (2018). Final report on “Development/application of precision agriculture techniques/technologies to improve productivity”. A project report to the NIFA.
- Vong, C. N.; Larbi, P. A. (2017). Development and Preliminary Prototype Testing of an Agricultural Nozzle Clog Detection Device. 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Vong, C. N.; Larbi, P. A. (2017). Development and Preliminary Prototype Testing of an Agricultural Nozzle Clog Detection Device. ASABE Paper No. 1700281. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE
- Larbi, P. A.; Vong, C. N.; Green, S. (2017). Exploring spectral responses of different cover crops potentially beneficial to farmers in Northeast Arkansas and the Delta Region. ASABE Paper No. 1700350. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE
- Larbi, P. A.; Marbaniang, C. D.; Bade, K.; Vong, C. N. (2017). Verification of Temperature Sensor Readings Obtained from Game and Trail Cameras Used for Crop Monitoring. 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A.; Marbaniang, C. D.; Bade, K.; Vong, C. N. (2017). Verification of Temperature Sensor Readings Obtained from Game and Trail Cameras Used for Crop Monitoring. ASABE Paper No. 1700231. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE
- Larbi, P. A. (2016). Advancing Microsoft Excel's Potential for Low-Cost Digital Image Processing and Analysis. ASABE Paper No. 162455503. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE
- Larbi, P. A. (2016). Advancing Microsoft Excel's Potential for Low-Cost Digital Image Processing and Analysis. 2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Vong, C. N.; Larbi, P. A. (2016). Comparison of Image Data Obtained with Different Commercial Cameras for Use in Visible Spectroscopy. ASABE Paper No. 162455510. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE
- Vong, C. N.; Larbi, P. A. (2016). Comparison of Image Data Obtained with Different Commercial Cameras for Use in Visible Spectroscopy. 2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A. (2016). RGB2X: An RGB Image Data Extract-Export Tool for Digital Image Processing and Analysis in Microsoft Excel. ASABE Paper No. 162460787. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE
- Larbi, P. A. (2016). RGB2X: An RGB Image Data Extract-Export Tool for Digital Image Processing and Analysis in Microsoft Excel. 2016 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A.; Green, S. (2016). Time Series Study of Soybean Response Based on Adjusted Green Red Index. 13th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. International Society of Precision Agriculture.
- Larbi, P. A.; Green, S. (2016). Time series study of soybean response based on adjusted green red index (AGRI). In 13th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Paper No. 2162.
Larbi, P. A.; Vong, C. N., Karkee, M. (2015). A Study of Operator Performance for a Mechanical Sweet Cherry Harvester: Comparison between Manual and Remote-Controlled Operation. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 21(3). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A. (2015). An Update on an Airblast Spray Dispersion Model. 2015 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A. (2015). An Update on an Airblast Spray Dispersion Model. ASABE Paper No. 152187337. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE
- Larbi, P. A. (2015). An Update on an Airblast Spray Dispersion Model. 2015 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A.; Karkee, M.; Amatya, S.; Zhang, Q.; Whiting, M. D. (2015). Modification and Field Evaluation of an Experimental Mechanical Sweet Cherry Harvester. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 31(3). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A. (2015). Variable-rate application and swath control technology. Resource Magazine. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A. (2015). Variable-rate application and swath control technology. Resource Magazine. 22:4, 10-11.
Zhou, J.; Zhang, Q., et al. (2014). Effect of tree architecture on mechanical harvesting rate for sweet cherry. In XXIX International Horticultural Congress: IHC2014. Brisbane, Australia
- Larbi, P. A.; Karkee, M.; Amatya, S.; Zhang, Q.; Whiting, M. D. (2014). Field Evaluation of a Modified Mechanical Sweet Cherry Harvester. 2014 ASABE and CSBE/SCGAB Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A.; Karkee, M.; Amatya, S.; Zhang, Q.; Whiting, M. D. (2014). Field Evaluation of a Modified Mechanical Sweet Cherry Harvester. ASABE Paper number 141896871. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE
- Larbi, P. A.; Karkee, M.; Amatya, S.; Zhang, Q.; Whiting, M. D. (2013). Assessment of a Prototype Sweet Cherry Harvester. 2013 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A.; Karkee, M.; Amatya, S.; Zhang, Q.; Whiting, M. D. (2013). Assessment of a Prototype Sweet Cherry Harvester. ASABE Paper number 131618476. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE
Larbi, P. A.; Amatya, S., Karkee, M. (2013). Characterizing the Response of a Hyperspectral Camera Used in Close Range Imaging under Laboratory Conditions. 2013 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
Larbi, P. A.; Amatya, S., Karkee, M. (2013). Characterizing the Response of a Hyperspectral Camera Used in Close Range Imaging under Laboratory Conditions. ASABE Paper number 131594789. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE.
- Salyani, M.; & Larbi, P. A. (2013). Model to predict spray deposition in citrus orchard applications. In SuProFruit-2013: Spray Application techniques in Fruit Growing.
- Amatya, S.; Karkee, M.; Alva, A. K.; Larbi, P.A.; Adhikari, B. (2012). Hyperspectral Imaging for Detecting Water Stress in Potatoes. ASABE Paper number 121345197. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE
- Amatya, S.; Karkee, M.; Alva, A. K.; Larbi, P.A.; Adhikari, B. (2012). Hyperspectral Imaging for Detecting Water Stress in Potatoes. 2012 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A.; Salyani, M. (2012). Model to Predict Spray Deposition in Citrus Airblast Sprayer Applications: Part 2. Spray Deposition. Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A.; Salyani, M. (2012). Model to Predict Spray Deposition in Citrus Airblast Sprayer Applications: Part 2. Spray Deposition. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Khot, L. R.; Ehsani, R.; Albrigo, G.; Landers, A. J.; Larbi, P. A. (2012). Spray Pattern Investigation of an Axial-Fan Airblast Precision Sprayer Using a Modified Vertical Patternator. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 28(3). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A.; Ehsani, R.; Salyani, M.; Maja, J. M.; Mishra, A. R.; Camargo Neto, J. (2012). Young leaf detection for spot spray treatment of citrus canopies to control psyllids. In International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Paper No. 1210. International Society of Precision Agriculture.
- Ehsani, R.; Salyani, M.; Maja, J. M.; Mishra, A. R.; Larbi, P. A.; Camargo Neto, J. (2012). Young leaf detection for spot spray treatment of citrus canopies to control psyllids. International Society of Precision Agriculture.
- Khot, L. R.; Salyani, M.; Farooq, M.; Walker, T. W.; Sweeb, R. D.; Smith, V.; Pomolis, R.; Stoops, C.A.; Larbi, P. A. (2011). Assessment of aerosol deposition and movement in open field conditions. CIGR Journal, 13(3). Agricultural Engineering International.
- Larbi, P. A.; Salyani, M. (2011). Model to Predict Spray Deposition in Citrus Airblast Sprayer Applications: Part 1. Spray Dispersion. Transactions of the ASABE. 55(1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A.; Salyani, M. (2010). Development of an Expert System for Citrus Spray Applications. ASABE Section Meeting Paper number FL10-124. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE
- Larbi, P. A.; Salyani, M. (2010). Development of an Expert System for Citrus Spray Applications. 2010 Florida Section ASABE Annual Conference and Trade Show. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Larbi, P. A.; Salyani, M. (2010). Spray Model to Predict Deposition in Air-Carrier Sprayer Applications. ASABE Paper number 1008319. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE
- Larbi, P. A.; Salyani, M. (2010). Spray Model to Predict Deposition in Air-Carrier Sprayer Applications. 2010 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
- Akowuah, J. O.; Dzisi, K. A.; Addo, A.; Aveyire, J.; Larbi, P. A. (2006). Modification of a large-scale palm fruit cage for local manufacture. In Proc. 3rd Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineers (GSAE) National Conference.
- Larbi, P. A.; Dzisi, K. A.; Oti-Boateng, P.; Akowuah, J. O. (2006). Modification of a large-scale palm fruit stripper for local manufacture. In Proc. 3rd Ghana Society of Agricultural Engineers (GSAE) National Conference. Theme:
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- Precision Agriculture - Chair
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